Thursday, August 6, 2009

GrD3000: Theatrical Event Poster Design

Another important part of this beginning course in graphic design are the Posters done in these classes which might vary from Instructor to Instructor with reference to their
chosen category. Throughout Atlanta there are various theatrical companies who are planning plays, musicals, comedy, concert and even dinner theater events. You can have a student investigate these events or you can simply give them a list to choose from. They should be able to again investigate the event somehow in order to produce a poster design worthy of such.

Another project created last year were posters based on a political or social event such as Darfor or the Iraq War.

Again, it's up to the Instructor as to the content. I would suggest spending some time in class discussing each students concept before allowing them to start producing it.
You could also limit color or copy. It's always a good idea to have the student use the actual logo of the company that is producing their event (Fox Theater logo, Horizons Theatrical Outfit, Alliance Theater, etc.)

Usually this is where students can use their own photography/illustration instead of using the imagery from some place else. Encourage students to create their own visuals. It's a great time to discuss typography and the appropriate hierarchy for a poster design (who, what, when and where?)

Originality counts big time here!
Keeping the visual and the type simple also helps.

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