Monday, June 15, 2009

Advertising and Corporate Examples Coming 2009

Laura and Brandy...putting together a lot of examples from the Corporate ID class and the Advertising Class. Until then you can go to some old blogsites I used as part of the classes I taught in these two courses. You can also click on the student links (if they still work) and see what each student did as part of the course.

Corporate Identity 2006
worked with real clients The Beltline and The A2A Train (Brain Train)

Corporate Identity 2008
Worked with real clients from NYC-Alfest and Miracle House

Corporate Identity 2005
Only have a paper syllabus and jpegs from working with real client
Arden's Garden

Advertising 2007
Worked on real projects with CNN,, and Haggar,Inc.

Advertising 2008
Paige Taylor taught this class and worked with real clients

GrD3300- Illustration Course Examples

Most Instructors who have taught this class in the past geared this class more towards type and image rather than all image. Mostly because most of the Instructors in the past have degrees in graphic design and not illustration. Stephen, please feel free to reconstruct and reinvent this course for yourself. Since the course is 16 weeks long (you will meet them on Fridays) you should count on 4-5 projects I would expect.

You will have the 460 CMC lab facility as well as the 468 classroom for critiques and large table use. I am trying to also secure 368 with the large work tables and construction atmosphere where 2D has been taught in the years past.

Paige Taylor taught this class last year and I taught in 2005 and can share with you our observations and recollections. I'm sure you'll energize it with your professional work and reputation as a celebrated Illustrator.